The Great Defenders ###
Exhortation of Esther (Part 1) Lesson of Esther (Part 2)
The 'Feast of Purim is being' is being celebrated all over the world this weekend (March 16-20) to honor one... Please join us for Part 2 of "When the prophets meet the Judge," as we continue to examine the...
" Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,...
Join me on location in God's country for a quick word of Truth from the vaults of the OVERCOMERS... -Are...
Join us for 'True Worship First'! "The Vortex of Truth" The Word...Tonight, the Lord has a Word for His...
Counterfeit Altars: Spiritual Distractions, Detours and Diversions Today, more than any other time in human history, we must 'fight the...
God has called us to be 'true worshippers,' but what exactly does that mean? Jesus has a conversation - an...