True Confessions in the Courts of God (Live Video) 9/3/2022
Join us live on location as we enter into the Truth about the 'Courts of God' and how our progression...
Sanctify them in thy truth. Your word is truth. John 17:17
Join us live on location as we enter into the Truth about the 'Courts of God' and how our progression...
Do you really know the Lord as the High priest of your confession of faith? Or are you still seeking... "For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and...
In His Role as "The Revealer", He Reveals ALL things...Truth. He Reveals who God is and the Love of God... It's 100 degrees Celcius... When we look at the current physical environment we can all agree that it's SUPER...
Today's teaching is the result of much prayer, fasting, and even suffering in Christ to understand the spiritual conditions which...
How to Get into the Timing of God. . . Sometimes the overflow is even better than the main course......
Many of us have grown weary in our most intimate relationships - we have been ignored, mistreated, misunderstood, and even...