Why Prophesy? (Part 1) A Lack of Spiritual Understanding
https://vimeo.com/1057290725?share=copy#t=0 Ministry Summary Week 2 10-15 2025Download
https://vimeo.com/1057290725?share=copy#t=0 Ministry Summary Week 2 10-15 2025Download
Join us this morning as the Lord releases "a fresh wind of admonition and encouragement" to ALL believers to know...
Headline: James 4 "Friendship with the World" https://vimeo.com/851912907?share=copy
Join us in today's broadcast as we continue 'to understand' the ways of God within this current climate of God's...
Just as it was in the days of Jeremiah, today the warnings of God's messengers and prophets are being met...
https://vimeo.com/687541855 Please join us for Part 2 of "When the prophets meet the Judge," as we continue to examine the...
The prophet Jeremiah was set at contention --by God Himself against the people of his day. He had a word...