A King Looking for a Return: What will you have to show?

The parable of the Seed and the Sower explains and illustrates that it is “within the hearts of men” to receive God’s love and His Word. This ability will determine whether or not the growth process of faith can and will actually begin in the life of the hearer or believer. The Parable of the Talents assures us that every man has been entrusted with a gift from God or a talent. In 2 Corinthians 4:4 we learn that there is “treasure in earthen vessels” and God has placed gift(s) inside each and every one of us that is expected to yield a harvest and a return on that investment. God is a God of multiplication, of love, increase and power. He expects us to use our faith and love for Him to “do the good works of Christ” and thereby, produce much fruit for His kingdom and Vineyard. Our heavenly Father is not like men– and is always interested in “what can be done with what(ever) we have”– and not simply how much we have been given. This is the true measure and test of our hearts and faith. We have more than enough to move mountains in Him!
Join us in today’s broadcast as we connect these two parables giving us the revelation we need to understand the will of God for our lives. The condition of our hearts and our ability to believe God and receive His Word; and then the exercise our own individual measure of faith to produce fruit that pleases the Sower & Giver of all things is exactly His heart and intention for His children. A harvest that brings Him glory!