Part 4: “The Story of the Glory”: Jimmy Swaggart, A Little Submarine & Prophetic Exhortations (Video)

In today’s broadcast, we will complete this portion of our “Story of the Glory” series. From Exodus and Israel’s journey through the wilderness to their arrival and encampment at Sinai; onward to Joshua and the conquest of the Promised Land — and then to rest at Shiloh and beyond. The Story of the Glory is a love story between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His people on behalf of the entire world and Creation. We have been called to receive “the final fulfillment of His glory” and His manifest presence on this earth.
Prophetic Outline: Notes (6/22-7/8)
THE-REMNANT-SPEAKS-BROADCAST_-Story-of-the-Glory-Pt.4The Story of the Glory Final Wrap-Up Notes & Declarations