The Bride is being Purified… (Live Recording)

Many of us have grown weary in our most intimate relationships – we have been ignored, mistreated, misunderstood, and even abandoned by our closest family members, partners, and friends. -Did you know that this is also the Lord’s doing? As God prepares His elect for our eternal partnership and marriage with the Lamb of God we will be purified by His righteous fire and the Spirit of Grace!
The process and the way that we take in the Lord can feel so lonely for the true believer in Christ, but we must never lose heart. For we know that God is doing something very SPECIAL in us and through our suffering! We are being conformed to the image of Christ. He never leaves us through our trials and troubles, our times of persecution, or even during those seasons of loss and our own disobedience and transgression against the Lord. Therefore:
"Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7

In God’s determined love for His Remnant and Bride, He plans to use all of our discomforts in this life: our pains, sorrows, disappointments, and suffering to make us NEW again His Righteousness. To prepare a Bride that is destined for her final GLORIFICATION in Christ Jesus our Lord! He is preparing His Bride to present herself ‘beautiful and white’ (holy and purified) to her Husband and King.
Join us on location at Women Restored as we are refined by the Lord’s grace and mercy in the Spirit of His Word!