A Priesthood Prepared for ‘Every Good’ & Endtime Work

The apostle Paul warned us not be ignorant of Satan’s devices. As the Lord redirected and ordered our steps to Ephesians chapter 4 –we are warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption; and to be angry but sin not. The instructions given here by Paul are designed to keep us abiding in the sweet and tender state of grace in the Spirit of God. Contentions and strife arise as a course of life, but Satan desires that the works of the flesh (which are evident) would have authority and dominion over our natural and spiritual lives. The sanctified preists of God, however will walk in obedience to the Spirit and the Word of the Lord in this hour. As our sanctification and purification work continues through fire and new pressure, the Lord is reminding us of our first works of love, and the sure foundation of Christ upon which we stand and are built up in Him.

Join us for today’s broadcast. as we continue to understand the ‘Purge of God’ that is here. That He is going to save and redeem a remnant from the nations. That He ‘also’ has a plan for the seed of Ishmael (Isaiah 11) and that He has not forgotten them. Finally, that a final cleansing and sanctifying work is coming, of righteouness and judgment. ‘Creation itself’ and all the earth speaks of the greatness and the glory of the Lord. The priests of God will be his chosen generation in the earth, and will rule and reign with Christ forever and ever. Amen

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