On What Mountain will you Worship? (Live recording)

God has called us to be ‘true worshippers,’ but what exactly does that mean? Jesus has a conversation – an encounter with a woman at a well in the Gospel of John, chapter 4.

That woman could represent any one of us – and indeed all of us who have yet to accept the call to worship the Father in ‘Spirit and in Truth.’ This is to say that a ‘true worshipper’ of the Father must come through the Son, and by invitation and witness of the Holy Spirit in order to worship Him.
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him”
John 4:23
This Samaritan woman – who would also represent a prophetic picture of the incoming (Gentile) Church is not clear and does not understand where to worship the God of her fathers.
There are many important prophetic events happening at this well and Jesus must first explain to her that unless she drinks of the Water (of the Holy Spirit) that only He has to give, she will forever thirst.

This Gentile woman, just like the life of the Believer without the infilling of His Holy Spirit, will continue to go back to the proverbial well of her ancestors again and again, but will never be filled and satisfied by the Lord.
Due to the limitations of what they had been given in their own dispensation – because their time had not yet come, they did not have access to the grace of the Son of God and that ‘Living Water’ that never runs dry.
Thanks be to God through Christ that our time has already come! Will you be one who worships the God of all Creation in Spirit and in Truth?

Our Lord wants us to know who we are ‘worshipping’ at all times – and how to worship Him. For Christ has come for this very purpose! The Way for us has been made, for only He can take us behind that veil of separation. We now have access to ‘worship the Father’ exactly where (and for who) He is – through Christ… That veil of the flesh has been rent, ‘torn’ for us so that we can dwell with Him forever, both now and in eternity.

Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,” –Matthew 27: 50-52
We who worship the Father understand that we must prepare our hearts in submission and purification through the Holy Spirit of Grace in Christ so that we can approach His throne boldly and unashamed! Join us for this teaching and exhortation on what it means worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.
“So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Joel 2:13