A Different Gospel, Got Jesus?
A Real High Priest that Remits all Sin (Live Video)
Do you really know the Lord as the High priest of your confession of faith? Or are you still seeking...
“Before you Run to Bethel” – The Warning of Amos (EXPANDED)
So, exactly where are you headed these days? While many of us have been "literally holding our breath" over the...
God said: “Remind Them of My Word”…
Stay under God's covering - especially now both women and men of God! Remain SEALED by the Holy Spirit! The...
Pt. 1 “Pandemic Positivity?” Do’s & Dont’s in a “Crisis/Opportunity”
Life Focus: God has given us all things... "As His divine power has given to us ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO...
When the Message is really from God – Covid ‘2020’ and beyond
If there was ever a time in human history where both the "message and the messenger" are under attack it's...