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Join tonight’s broadcast as we examine the very nature of the character and spirit of assassination that crucified our Lord. Coming from the gospel of Luke, chapter 11, the religious leaders of the day were relentless in their pursuits to hinder and resist the power of God, by denying the person of His Son.

Just like our Lord, we must confront these same spiritual forces today which seek to take away our liberty ‘in Christ’ – having a form of godliness, but denying His power.

Always concerned about the outside of the man (which can be easily criticized, controlled, and extorted), and external works, but having no regard for the secret and hidden (inner) parts of the man which are dedicated and made holy unto God. These same powers are still governing our religious ways of life and our society at large today.

Inner uncleanliness was something that Pharisees, Scribes, and Lawyers (the rulers of religion, and instructors in ‘righteousness’) could hide underneath the law; but the law of Moses was designed to point them to the Law of Christ.

The Law of Liberty and Love,’ which would complete and fulfill all things pertaining to God.

We end our broadcast with 1 John 5: 1-5, where the apostle clearly makes the distinction between the commandment “to love one another and to love God” (as given by Christ Himself in John 13:34-35); and that these commandments are not burdensome, in contrast to what had previously been given. Finally, we are given a ‘simple formula’ to determine whether or not we will be overcomers in this life! “For whatever is BORN OF GOD (new birth) overcomes the world: and this is the victory that has overcome the world –Our faith.”


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