Pt. 1 “Spiritual Subterfuge”: The Subtle Art of War

We must never forget that mankind is God’s most precious and “beloved” creation in the entire universe and, as such, we have a most ‘hateful and formidable’ enemy in the ‘god of this world,’ Satan. His very name means ‘Deceiver’ and the Bible teaches us that he has deceived the whole world now under his sway and influence.
I believe that our greatest weapon for the regenerate Believer and ‘sons of God’ is the mind of God, which is Christ Jesus, His Word. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit (and His indwelling, once we are born again) that His mind is now our mind, given to us in measure, and we have the very “wisdom of God” to carry out His will and our purpose here on earth. We have the ability now to outflank our spiritual enemies and opponents and win against all manner of spiritual subterfuge in this war. Join us in today’s broadcast, as we introduce “Part1” of Spiritual Subterfuge: The Subtle Art of War.