The Corrupt Priesthood of God: “Sick Sacrifices & Polluted Offerings”

As God has been dealing with the hidden and sometimes ‘not so secret sin’ and iniquity in the lives of His people, we have to understand that the Lord takes special exception and places extra attention upon HIS LEADERSHIP in the house of God.
What are we preparing ourselves for? Is it this world of idolatry and false worship? Or is it to be a ‘priest of God?’

For those, like in the time of Malachi, who are called as the “holy priests of God”–and then, the ‘Levitical priesthood,’ as given to Israel through the sons of Aaron, this was the highest form of holy and dedicated service—and religious duty unto the Lord. Sanctification. Purification. Holiness. Faithfulness. Humility. Honor and Reverence, and a deep deep regard for God’s Heart and His ‘holy presence,’ the shekinah or “glory of God,” had to be center of life itself for His holy servants.
Join us in today’s broadcast, as we examine OUR OWN offerings and sacrifices unto the Lord. For, through Christ, we have now all been called as a “royal priesthood and a holy nation” unto the Lord. What are we bringing unto the Lord? and Will it be accepted? as the priests of God. Let us bring the Father the Honor that He deserves and out of a pure heart and consecrated life that is surrendered to do His Will!