
It was just about a year ago when we discussed the need for water (the precious Holy Spirit) in these unprecedented times of spiritual drought… However, the Lord wants to revisit this meeting in an excerpt that reminds us that we will be held accountable for the “yea’s and nay’s” in our lives.

Joshua, having journeyed with the people of Israel for over 40 years–and into the next generation understands the very nature and the true character of the people that he brought out of the Wilderness and into the Promised Land.

Join us for this important ‘throwback’ account of Joshua’s address to the nation…

In this exhortation and message, God provides a strong lesson and warning to all of us ‘who believe’ to BE CAREFUL of the vows and promises that we make to the Lord. To be sure in our hearts and certain in our souls that we are and will indeed serve–and continue to go on to know and serve the living God.

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