God’s Enemies and Yours: “The Ways of War” (live)
Today we pick up on Joshua and the children of Israel’s northern conquest of their God-given inheritance of the promised land of Caanan and beyond. When we as children of God begin to advance and occupy the spiritual places and the promises of God in our own lives – we will invariably encounter formidable enemies and giants in the land. How will we move? How will we respond?
What we know and believe about ourselves – as His chosen vessels, precious children, and conquerors, and even more WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT OUR GOD will make all the difference between victory and defeat!
The psychology of the servant-warrior of Christ is “Yes and AMEN!” Whatever God says is what it is going to be! As many of us are facing some of the greatest giants of our lifetime in opposition to the will of God for our lives, we are encouraged to “Fear not and only Believe!” Join us for another ‘meeting in the room’ as we encounter Yehova Sabaoth “The Lord of Hosts.” We must know Him as El Gibbor “Lord God Almighty!” When we do, we can take the counsel of the Holy Spirit.
Let us receive His divine instructions and learn the ways of the Lord so that we may fight the good fight and wage the good warfare!