Pt. 2 “Pandemic Positivity?” -Relationships in the Endtime. . .

Introduction: the Relationship Shift
As explained in the first part of our series, the principle of The Law of Separation in the life of Believers is something that cannot be escaped. If we want to make it out of this world alive?… That is, spiritually, “alive in Christ” we must not resist what God is doing in the area of relationships. Yes, I know and must be perfectly honest, this will be an excruciating time and process for some, especially the “unwilling” – but for others we have seen God’s hand consistently preparing us, exposing things, and even warning us – to move out of the way – as He allows the atmosphere for this final “pruning” and purging to take place in our souls. (I believe that the final “Endtime harvest” is almost ready to be gathered up! Matthew 13: 30)

The SOULISH REALM is the real seat of authority for all relationships. The soul is where our will, intellect, mind, emotions, personality, and all of our human identity resides. This is the one reason that Satan will target and concentrate all of his efforts right here. –And make no mistake, this effort begins as soon as we are placed by God into our mother’s womb. The goal? To influence, corrupt, manipulate, CONTROL and disfigure your image and “original design” created by God. Satan hates God and he hates you.
Once we really understand this, we can begin to grasp why these relationships are so targeted in our lives. Why they are customized “to bind us” – and are so hard to separate from and let go of. This is still the case even after we have experienced season after season of personal sabotage and destruction in our lives. They persist long after “the red flags have gone down.” This clearly demonstrates that these “relationships” are working against our created purpose and God’s destiny for our life.

So we must admit and accept that somehow (willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly) the ugly coding on these individuals can become a part of who we are. Weaved and grafted into our very “soul identity.” (More on this in our “The Purge” series scheduled for release the week of 4/6/2020)
So the questions are: “Is this okay?” for the Believer and – “Do you think you can break free and fix this, your soul addiction or attachment, by yourself?” I invite you to think long and hard about the latter because I assure you that you cannot. Without divine intervention, correction, God’s Holy authority, and His Absolute power operating in your life you don’t even stand a “fighting chance” against these demonic impressions cast into your soul.

Many New Agers and occult (alternate power) practitioners, which include many popular religious cult leaders today, offer creative and diversified “magic tricks,” spells, potions, self motivations, and concoctions all promising freedom from bad spirits, negative energy, and ways to heal an unwanted “Karma.” However, “in truth” all they are simply doing is working with “known and unknown” malevolent spirits, packaged in many different disguises.

These spiritual beings (already condemned to eternal blackness by God) with the many other demonic forces and powers simply “baits and switches” its victims into believing that they have achieved the desired personal success. What they have actually accomplished is a demonic transferring of spirits that hook their prey to another deceptive frequency of darkness masquerading as light and truth. We should make a careful note here that many of our relationships are directly or indirectly involved in these activities, you may even be yourself, but know that is now an “open portal” into your life and soul that you cannot close no matter how hard you try. Deep, deep repentance, deliverance, and God’s intervention are necessary… (More on this at a later date and time, as it requires an entirely separate topic of devoted discussion.)
The one thing I can promise you in all of this is that God alone is GOOD! – and has only a good Will (spiritual inheritance) and plan for you and our lives! What HE is allowing, and will continue to allow until we reach the very End, will be the best thing that ever happened to us! Just BELIEVE IT and then embrace it. . . Jeremiah 29: 11

God knows what is best for us, both now and in the future – and though He makes a distinction between the two, He never separates them.
For, “He who has begun a work in you is just and faithful to complete it.” (Philippians 1: 6)
Our submission to this statement of fact, however, is all about us trusting God instead of trusting ourselves. Unfortunately, “the stubborn heart of idolatry”, especially the idolatry and worship of the “self-image” will stop God’s plan for your life dead in its tracks.

Submission to God’s will is the spiritual key to soul deliverance. It not only unlocks the door to those new God-ordained “covenant” relationships He promises us, but it will also, and simultaneously, shut the door to ungodly soul ties and unholy attachments. It’s like a real “magic key,” as it were, that opens the door “to the new thing” He is doing and has done. -Permanently separating us from that which is destroying life, health, and prosperity. (Spirit, soul, and body) This silent destruction is very often happening to us in “drip form” – it’s a slow leak leading to spiritual exhaustion, undermining, and depletion. One that will ultimately lead to spiritual and physical death if not cut off entirely. God may not be done with these poor souls, but the time will come when we must be.
Our bondage to their toxicity and these sinister stealth-like relationships and connections is something that God is tearing down today on purpose.

What we must remember is that The Law of Separation is working on its own eternal-time clock and preemptive timeline. God always has the first move. It’s an occurrence -or a series of occurrences in our lives that are always on time! From our separation in our mother’s womb – to our physical date of expiration and separation from this life, God’s timing will be both certain and exact.
Apostle Paul exhorts us in Philippians 1:21 when he says –“For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Jesus says in another place that“Whoever might desire to save their lives will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) These are not “religious cliches or tag lines” for Sunday morning sermonettes – this is the heart and soul of the Gospel. A plan which leads to “eternal life! “The laying down and aside of the “self-will” in exchange for the complete willingness – and not compulsion – to separate ourselves for the sake of Christ and His Gospel is something we’re all being compelled to review right now. COVID19 will be a blessing in this regard for many!

Letting go of this life, and many of the things and people in it is a “prerequisite” for the Believer and part of our natural growth and spiritual maturation process. We must understand now more than ever before that the demand placed on our souls will only intensify in the last days, from both God and Satan. We can be encouraged to know that “the wise will only be sharpened” and refined by this time of testing as we approach the End of all things. Daniel says it best regarding those Believers of the End:

“And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a appointed time.” -Daniel 11:35